
November 5, 2014

How I Spent...Halloween

This past weekend was one for the record was so much fun to celebrate Halloween with both of the kids but to also get to celebrate turning 30 was just beyond!  Today I am going to share with you the pictures from our Halloween.  Sawyer was a triceratops while Kinley was a pumpkin.  I got Kinley's costume at a children's resale shop for $2.50 and we got Sawyer's at TJ Maxx for $25.  It took some major bribing- a whole glass of chocolate milk but he finally got the idea and loved it after the first house we visited.

He asked to hold her hand so that's what he is doing sweet!

All in all I think they both had a great time and I can't wait for next year when we will have more time and hopefully be able to sport a themed costume that involves all of us!

Thanks so much for stopping by!