November 9, 2014

How I Spent...My Weekend

Friday night we played it low key and went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner.  Sawyer was so well behaved which meant that instead of trying to wrangle him and keep him in his seat he sat there quietly playing with his toy, eating chips and salsa, and playing with the iPad.  It was so nice to actually be able to sit and talk to Tice instead of take turns like we some times need to to walk around with Sawyer.  After dinner my cousin arrived so her and I stayed up talking for a bit and then I headed to bed!

On Saturday morning Tice went into work and my mom had made coffee cake so we went over to enjoy a piece before then heading over to my grandma's house to clear out the very last of the items.  We close on the house on Monday and it will be nice to have it behind us.  It has been a lot of work to decide what to donate, sell, keep, and give away since the process started a month ago.   Once we finished up at the house we picked my grandma up, had lunch together and then I came home to get the kids down for a nap, and get ready for Tice and I's evening out.  We attended the Grand Junction Symphony Gala which was so much fun!  I love a good reason to get all dressed up- but you already knew that!

Sunday I woke up and make donuts and then got some projects that we have been putting off forever finally completed around our house.  One of them was finally ordering and installing some replacement blind slates that had been either broken before we moved in or by Sawyer.  It makes such a difference!

Finally we went over to some friend's house for dinner on Sunday night- some friends we haven't gotten to spend much time with lately which was nice!

Thanks so much for stopping by!