
November 7, 2014


Well this week flew by but that's never a bad thing!  With us being in Denver at the beginning of this week it helped the week fly by.  On Monday my actual birthday, while Tice was in meetings I decided to take the kids to the Denver Aquarium which turned out to be an adventure.  We were staying downtown which meant that I didn't need a car but Monday ended up being the coldest day of the week and the walk from our place downtown was over a mile away.  It ended up being quite a walk but once we arrived I could tell that Sawyer really liked it and even Kinley would look up at some of the exhibits above her and take in the sights which was really neat to see!

My cousin is coming into town to stay with us this weekend which is always so much fun so I'm excited to see her!

Tice was suppose to go hunting with my dad this weekend but has so much work to catch up on before we leave for HAWAII in a couple of weeks so he opted to stay home.  He is taking a break from it all on Saturday night though so that we can attend our Symphony's Gala!  I get to wear the same dress as I am in the picture below and I can't wait!!!  There aren't many things in this world that I love doing more then getting all dressed up!
I hope you all have fabulous weekends!

Thanks so much for stopping by!