
December 31, 2014

Farewell, 2014!

Happy New Year's Eve!  We have so much to be thankful for this year so I thought it would be fun to do a recap of one of our most amazing years to date!

Here is a list of some of the amazing things we did in 2014-

We skied in Telluride
We enjoyed downtime at home

We went sledding
We made a very special annoucement
We had some laughs
Tice and I babymooned in Scottsdale
We found out we were having a little girl at our Gender Reveal Party
We went on some adventures with Grandpa or Pok as Sawyer refers to him
We celebrated Grandma Tammy's 60th birthday
And then celebrated some more
We worked on the nursery
We celebrated Easter

We transitioned Sawyer to a big boy bed
I was thrown a fabulous baby shower
We enjoyed lazy summer days 
We celebrated Tice's 34th birthday
Enjoyed ice cream at the club
We celebrated Sawyer's birthday with a puppy themed bash
We had some maternity photos taken
Kinley arrived!
Sawyer meeting Kinley for the first time

Took Kinley to her first Ducks game

Headed up to Telluride

Celebrated Halloween with our little pumpkin and dinosaur

I celebrated my 30th Birthday with a big bash
We flew to Hawaii...
To celebrate a very special couple
Had some more family  photos taken by my very talented girlfriend!
And finally celebrated Christmas with our nearest and dearest!

Thank you 2014 for being a wonderful year filled with many memories...I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for us!
