
January 29, 2015

Home Update...DIY Sliding Barn Door

We recently made a list of various projects that we wanted to get completed around the house sooner then later and have given ourselves a monthly budget in order to complete these items.  One of the bigger more urgent items was a sliding barn door at the bottom of the staircase that takes you up to the second floor of our home.  This second level is a 700 square foot bonus room with a large walk in closet and bath.   Tice has deemed the space his domain/the man cave and I have little to do with the decor of the room as one would be able to tell just by looking at it.... :).  

The space is in need of a sound damping door so that when he is working up there his voice doesn't travel down the stairwell, potentially waking the children up or on the other hand distracting him while the kids are planning downstairs.  We finally decided that a sliding barn door would be the best solution because we could custom build the door to be the correct size- 34X102 inches.  

We purchased a sliding track for the door from Home Depot as well as supplies to build the door.  It took Tice about 6 hours to complete the install and build but was all well worth it.
The Before
Once the track went up
The finished product-plus the hallway in the process of being painted!
Now on to the next home project.  Painting, painting, and more painting.  I am working on our great room which is over 1000 sq feet.  Boy will I be ready to cross it off of my list!

Thanks so much for stopping by!