
January 19, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

Friday night the kids and I went out to dinner with my parents and after Sawyer had been doing so well lately at restaurants he pretty much lost it at dinner on Friday which was AWESOME considering I had just finished telling my parents how good he had been lately...after dinner we headed straight home so that I could get some finishing touches put together for a baby shower I was co hosting on Saturday afternoon.  Tice's flight from Portland was delayed on Friday night so he didn't end up coming home until Saturday afternoon which totally sucks for both of us!  Since he didn't make it home in time to take care of the kids I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off getting ready for the shower.  Thankfully my mother in law took Sawyer for me during the shower and I took Kinley with me so it ended up being ok.  Here is a sneak peek of one of the pictures from the shower- I will be back later this week to share more from the special day!
My extremely talented girlfriend Dani, who was one of the other co-hosts for the shower, recently started her own photography business called Birch and Twine.  She takes some of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen and I can't wait for her to take pictures of the kids birthday parties this summer as well as Kinley's one year birthday pictures.

Once I got home from the shower Tice was home so we changed into PJ's and hung out around the house, relaxing for the rest of the day.  Finally on Sunday I hit up the gym and then prepped Sunday dinner.  We had my mother in law and her boyfriend over for short ribs, mashed potatoes and wedge salads (one of my favorite salads of all time!).
My two little loves on Saturday morning
My little bunny
Enjoying horsey rides on Grandpa before dinner on Friday night

Here's to a wonderful week!