
January 25, 2015

Kinley's Six Month Update

Weight: Her 6 month appointment was on Monday and she came in at 17 pounds 6.4 ounces.  That put her in the 72nd percentile!

Health:  She continues to be happy and healthy!  Hopefully it stays this way.

Sleep:  We have been struggling still, waking once or twice a night at various times.  I would love for her to start taking longer naps, right now they are typically 30-45 minutes long in the morning and no more then 2 hours in the afternoon.  Sawyer got on a routine and stayed on it much sooner then Kinley has so this has been rough to say the least.

Social:  She is such a little sweetheart and loves smiling at people after she warms up to them but is still the biggest momma's girl!  Tice and I went out to dinner a couple of weeks ago and my mother in law said as soon as we left she was looking all around for us and cried a lot!  Since that night though we have gone out quite a few times and things have gotten better!

Diet: She finally has started eating solids better.  She isn't just sticking her tongue out thinking but opening her mouth and then swallowing!  Some nights she will eat 6 ounces of baby food!  Right after her 6 month birthday we started bottle feeding her frozen breast milk through out the day because my body is pretty much telling me it's done breast feeding which to be honest, I'm 100% ok with.  We made it this far and I am still getting to feed her 3 times a day, just not for every feeding, which is fine by me!

Clothes: We can still wear certain 3-6 month outfits but has moved into most of her 6-9 month outfits!

Baby Gear:  She moves her activity center or laying on the floor on a blanket playing with various toys!

Crying:  She continues to be a good girl most of the time and only cries when she really needs something, is over tired, or something has scared her.

Likes:  Her brother Sawyer and the funny things he does on a daily basis, solid foods, and her activity center.

Postpartum:  I am super close to being able to say that I have lost all of the weight that I gained while I was pregnant with Kinley (2 pounds away)!  Since I have started to ween from breast feeding I have been able to watch what I am eating more and more as well as making sure I don't use the excuse that I am breast feeding to eat more then I should.  Hopefully I can get fully back on track soon and lose the remainder of this baby weight.

Milestones: Rolling over more then once in either direction and sitting up for extended periods of time!

Here are a couple more of my favorite pictures of her this month

Thanks so much for stopping by!