
February 21, 2015

Kinley's Seven Month Update

Weight:  She is near 18 pounds now!  Getting big!

Health:  She was gifted a cold to her by her big brother so we have been fighting that all week but she is still as smiley as ever!

Sleep:  Ever since I went to NYC a couple of weeks ago she has been shrugging with waking up more then once a night...originally I thought the once a night was bad but regressing to 2 or 3 is absolutely no fun.  We keep talking ourselves out of sleep training her because of this or that or because it would interfere with Sawyer's sleep but it's getting a little ridiculous...I'm hoping that as soon as she is done with this cold we can carve out a better schedule for her and that that will help her begin to sleep better.

Social:  She is always smiling or taking in the world around her!

Diet: She has finally begun to be a bit less picky but will always choose store-brought baby food over the stuff I have made her.  I have no idea if it is a textural thing or if she likes the store brought flavor combos over the mine.

Clothes: She is sporting 6-12 month items right now.  I did however get her a couple of swim suits for the pool this summer in 18-24 month sizes because suits tend to be a bit smaller then regular clothes and I don't want her to look like a stuffed sausage.

Baby Gear:  We haven't really introduced many new things to her lately but she continues to enjoy her entertainment center/bouncer as well as simply sitting on a blanket and playing with some of her toys.

Crying:  She is more fussy lately then ever before but I have a feeling teeth are the issue and that they are also causing her issues with sleep.

Likes:  Sitting up and watching Sawyer play or act goofy

Postpartum:  I officially completely stopped breast feeding two days before she turned 7 months old and I couldn't be happier.  I was never one of those mom's that loved it...I simply did it because I knew it was the best source of food for her and it was always available!  Here's looking forward to more gym time and less of an appetite or excuse for eating more then I should!

Milestones: Sitting up for LONG durations of time and the beginning stages of scooting and pulling herself along the ground.

Here are a couple more of my favorite pictures of her this month

Thanks so much for stopping by!