
March 30, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

This weekend was spent with family and soaking out every minute of it.  My cousin came to visit us this weekend and arrived late Friday night.  Her and I decided to pull out some of my old scrapbooks from high school and had a great time looking through all of the pages and having a good laugh.   Saturday morning we heading out on a 4 mile hike, picked up some ingredients for dinner that night, and visited our grandma.  
Pizza/Wine night on Friday to celebrate the start of the weekend!
That night we had my parents and grandma over for dinner where we made RPM Italian's recipe for Prime Beef Meatballs, Mama DePandi's Bucatini Pomodoro, and Truffled Garlic Bread (you can find the recipes here).  It wasn't quite as good as the restaurant but it was a great alternative to getting on a plane and having to fly to Chicago to eat those items.  

Sunday my girlfriend and her son (Sawyer's best friend) came over for a playdate in our backyard and then we had carry out from Cafe Rio (so yummy!).   After lunch we said goodbye to my cousin before she headed home.  That afternoon Kinley showed us a new trick when she pulled herself up for the first time from the carpet to our ottoman!

I was also able to squeeze in a bit more online shopping this weekend and picked up this tank which I had been eyeing forever.  I got it in white but I know that if I really like the fit of it I will be picking it up in a couple other colors.  I just love the flow that the bottom of it has.  I also picked up Sawyer gift from the Easter Bunny and can't wait for him to see it!  I haven't decided on what exactly Kinley will be receiving in her Easter basket but I'll be sure to share what I plan on putting into their baskets later this week!

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Have a great week!