
March 9, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

Tice didn't make it home on Friday until around 9 PM so Friday night the kids and I just stayed home and watched TV and made dinner after visiting my parents earlier in the day.

  On Saturday Sawyer had been invited to my good friend Lynn's daughter's birthday.  It was at our new indoor trampoline park which is quickly becoming one of Sawyer's favorite places.  The birthday was a great success and Sawyer had a blast!  

After the party we all went home and rested up before going to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner.

After dinner Tice and I tried to have a marathon of House of Cards but only made it through one episode before falling asleep.  

Finally on Sunday I enjoyed some alone time while the boys worked on our new kitchen table!  It only needs a couple more coats of poly and then it will be ready to eat off of!  I can't wait!  I scored some new bras at Victoria Secret, a huge deal considering I hadn't bought new ones since well before Sawyer was born.   I also had a coupon to Gap for an additional 40% off so I grabbed a black dress (very similar), a black jumpsuit, a plaid sheath dress for next fall and finally a stripped dress for the pool this summer.  I can't wait to wear the jumpsuit!  I have been waiting a black one forever and finally decided to pull the trigger because I mean what is better then getting something you have been lusting over for a LONG time for less then $12!  I also made it to the gym and we made a chopped salad bar for dinner.

Hope you all have a great week!
This week will be a busy one, we have pictures for the kids scheduled and then we leave for Chicago!  I seriously can't wait!

Thanks so much for stopping by!