
April 7, 2015

How I Spent...My Easter Weekend

This past weekend was jam packed with fun stuff!  Friday night we headed out to dinner and then came home early so that we could rest up for the following day.  I spent most of Saturday preparing for a Rotary event that we were hosting at our house.  Hours spent grocery shopping, preparing foods, and cleaning took up all of my day but the event was a totally success and we had a lot of fun!  After the event we went out to meet up with some of our friends so that we could celebrate her birthday.  We ended up going to two different places and had a great time doing it!  

The next morning we got up early to get ready for brunch and the egg hunt at the club.  Breakfast was great and Sawyer had a blast hunting for eggs!  

Everyone was excited that the Easter Bunny had stopped by!

Grabbing up as many eggs as possible!

After brunch and the egg hunt we headed home to take some naps before going over to my parents for a late Easter dinner.

All in all a great weekend full of family and fun!

Thanks so much for stopping by!