
May 26, 2015

How I Spent...Memorial Day Weekend

Tice was gone all weekend until Sunday morning for a boy's fishing trip so it was just me, the kids, and lots of playdates to keep us all entertained and occupied!  Friday morning my girlfriend came over with her daughter and Sawyer had the best time playing with her.  Then Friday night we went over to my girlfriend's house for more fun.  The boys love hanging out with each other and have such a good time digging in the dirt and playing with the various train/digging toys Mason has.  On Saturday morning we met back up at our indoor trampoline park and then grabbed lunch afterwards.  
Before heading to the trampoline park Sawyer got placed in timeout and Kinley, like clockwork, went right over to his door for him to be released!  She does these every time he goes to timeout lately and it's the cutest thing ever!

During nap time I conquered our man cave bathroom and painted it!  It was the grossest  burnt orange color and there were lots of holes in the walls that needed to be filled.  Tice had hung two towel racks when we first moved in RIGHT NEXT to each other so I moved one to the other side of the bathroom.  Saturday night we laid low and made pizzas for dinner.  Sunday morning Tice returned so we ran a couple of errands, took naps, and then went out to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant.  Finally on Monday Tice went golfing and then we had my parents over for dinner.  It was a wonderful weekend!  

We also took a special moment yesterday to stop and thank everyone that is currently serving or have served in our military including my grandfather!  You are amazing and we are forever grateful for your service!

Hope you all have a wonderful short week!

Thanks so much!