
May 11, 2015

How I Spent...Mother's Day Weekend

Friday night we hosted Tice's co-workers for a casual sit down dinner so I was busy all day Friday getting ready.  Then on Saturday I ran errands before getting ready to go over to my girlfriend's house for our monthly girl's night.  We had such a fun time-so much fun in fact that I stayed until 11:45 PM...way past my bedtime but it was totally worth it!

Then on Sunday I got to sleep in while Tice and the kids ran to get me doughnuts, wash and vacuum my car and pick up a couple of groceries before we headed over to my parent's for a Mother's Day lunch.  Kinley and I wore our matching dresses from Lilly for Target which was just the icing on teh cake!  The food and the company were perfect.  After lunch we headed home for naps and then Tice ran to pick up some yummy take out.  All in all the perfect weekend!  

I am so blessed that I am able to have the priveledge of being Sawyer and Kinley's mommy.  It's the best job and the hardest job I have ever had in my entire life but I wouldn't change it for the world.  Thank you to my wonderful mother for providing me with a shining example of what a selfless, caring, loving mother looks like.  

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!