
May 21, 2015

Recent Running Stats

After receiving my new treadmill for Mother's Day I have been doing a good job of making sure I get 3 to 5 workouts in per week.  I love being able to put Kinley down for her morning nap, turing on a show for Sawyer and heading out to the garage and forgetting about everything for a little bit.  To make sure I stay accountable I want to make sure I do two things!  One is having a calendar on the side of the fridge where I mark through each day I am able to run and second is to share here with you my stats from my runs for the week!  

Hopefully I can stick with it!  I still have about 10-15 pounds to lose to be back at my pre-baby weight and I would love to get there sooner then later!

Thanks so much for stopping by!