
June 15, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

This weekend was one of those weekends where it just FEELS like summer!  We didn't do a whole lot except for hang out at the pool and that was just fine by me!  Friday night Tice and I played in a couples scramble golf tournament.  We ended up tying for 3rd place- no help from me though- so that was awesome!   It was my first 9 holes of golf in almost 5 years so it felt nice to get back out there.

Saturday morning we headed out to the Kiwanis Club's annual pancake breakfast/fundraiser.   After pancakes I headed over to a friend's to see a girlfriend of our's that moved away last fall.   She has the most adorable little girl named Harper so it was so much fun to meet Harper and she her again!  After naps we headed back to the club for some swimming and dinner.

Finally Sunday, the kids and I hung out at the house in the morning and then met up with Tice at the pool after he golfed that morning.  

Kinley was stuck with Sawyer's hat because I forgot one for her at home.

Dinner outside...I finally made dinner after what felt like forever!  BBQ chicken sliders with Alabama white BBQ sauce, slaw, and mac and cheese.

Hope your weekend was fun filled!
