
June 29, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

Tice finally came home on Saturday after being gone for 5 days so the heavens opened and the angels sang because I seriously needed him home, I was starting to lose it just a little bit!  That's a long time to be on your own with two kids under 3!  I seriously don't know how those in the military or those with jobs with long travel stretches do it!  So once daddy got home we spent a bit of time just relaxing and hanging out and a bit at the pool.  We went to the pool 5 times last week so we have definitely been getting our daily dose of vitamin D.
A little choo choo action one morning after breakfast
Some sweaty curls
Popsicle sharing on a Sunday night after dinner

First smores of the season in our backyard
Making smores

Now that Monday is officially here I have a ton of things going on this week...a full moon hike, Sawyer's 3rd Birthday, our 4th wedding anniversary, 4th of July, and then finally on Sunday Sawyer's 3rd birthday party!  I am crazed just thinking about it.  Wish me luck!

Thanks so much for stopping by!