
August 7, 2015

TGIF & End of Summer Sales

This week has been a fun brother kept us busy while he was here and then we kept ourselves busy with playdates and fun in the sun for the rest of the week!
Playing in the toy box
Enjoying time doing one of her favorite things...playing with dogs
This was #WFD on Monday night...Pesto/Tomato Pizza and Peach/Bacon/Blue Cheese
#WFD- Tuesday night Tostadas
#WFD- Steak Frites with Broccoli and Cheesy Bread...super low cal! :)
Making S'mores in the backyard because we haven't done that enough yet this summer!

We have plans for some pool time, a dressy dinner in honor of the last golf tournament for Tice this summer on Saturday night, and dinner with friends on Sunday say I am looking forward to the weekend would be an understatement!

All of these fun activities haven't distracted me from doing some end of season sale shopping though!  I love picking up things at the end of a season for a steal whether the items are for me or Tice or the kids.  The end of season sales where stores are trying to move out the old to make room for the new is the best item to get amazing deals!  I recently went in to Old Navy and scored big time!  I got a couple more of these workout tanks that I love,  this tank, some workout bottoms, and a floral shift dress which will be perfect for fall.  I also got Tice some swim suits, both less then $5!  Stock up now for next season!

I also need to make some decisions to the items below before they sell out!

Hope you all have a fab weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by!