
August 4, 2015

Updating Our Master Bedroom...For Summer

Our bedroom is one of my favorite rooms in our whole house- it serves as our entertainment room where we escape to watch TV after the kids are put to bed, it's a play space for the kids on a daily basis while I am getting ready for the day and on top of all of that it is the place Tice and I escape to get some much needed shut eye after a long day.  That's why, when the temperatures around these parts start heating up it's important for our bedroom to make some changes to adapt so that we can remain comfortable!  In order for that to happen we pull off our oversized black faux fur comforter that keeps us toasty in the winter but would cause us to have the sweats in the summer, turn on our ceiling fan before falling asleep each night and occasionally light a calming candle so that we can begin to decompress after a long day.

Another thing that I have started thinking about doing to get our bedroom in to "perfect summer sleeping shape" is getting some new sheets because the ones we have currently were a wedding gift and need to be replaced due to wear.  Recently a company I had never heard of before reached out to me to tell me about themselves.  The company's name is Parachute.  They offer premium bedding at an accessible price plus they love to give back- all things that are very important to me!  These sheets would be the perfect replacement for our sheets.

Here is what our master bedroom currently looks like but one day I would love to add a rug, a cozy blanket, and some additional throw pillows to really finish off the room.  I would also LOVE this blanket that Parachute carries.

To see all of the other beautiful bedding items that Parachute carries please visit their website.

Thanks so much for stopping by!