
September 8, 2015

How I Spent...My Labor Day Weekend

This weekend, unlike last week, seemed to fly by!  We went out to our favorite Italian restaurant on Friday night for a family dinner which was great.  The highchair that Kinley was given was missing the buckles so we didn't have anything to hold her down so that thought crossed my mind to use a belt.  Thankfully Tice had one on and we strapped her down and it would BETTER then the normal belts/buckles they have.  We will be using this little trick again for sure because she is not sitting down in her stroller or highchairs anymore and it is becoming a bit dangerous.  
Outfit Details:

My yummy dinner...the pasta was served in a bowl of crispy cheese!

Saturday, Tice golfed all day so the kids and I hung around and go ready for some friends to come over for a little football, drinks, and snacks.  It was so much fun to watch football again!  

Sunday we decided to get busy and clean the garage.  While I was busy sweeping I could hear some tires burning rubber out of the neighborhood and then all of a sudden a loud crash... I looked up and out our garage door to find this and a scared but unharmed teenager surveying the damage she had just caused when she ran into the fire hydrant in our front side yard!!!   Thankfully no one was hurt but our side yard has seen better days.  
After that little bit of excitement we went to the club and played 7 holes of golf together as a family which was SO much fun!  I can't wait for the kids to get a bit bigger so that they can start really playing with us!

I promise Sawyer had a much better time then this photo makes it look like
After golf and naps, Tice made a steak dinner for us to enjoy.  After we put the kids to bed we watch Casino Royale, one of the James Bond movies and I forgot how much I LOVE movies like that!

Finally on Labor Day, Tice golfed again in the morning and then after naps we went back to the club for some swimming and BBQ.  It was such a fun weekend and I am already looking forward to going back and spending next summer at the pool!
Sawyer, the king of the raft

Thanks so much for stopping by!