
September 28, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

This weekend was wonderful!  We went out to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner on Friday and then watched to many episodes to count of Sons of Anarchy...I can't get enough!  
Here is what I wore to dinner-
Tee: Target | Jeans: Treasure & Bond (I can't stop wearing these)  | 
Shoes: BCBG (Wish list version found here) | Bag: Louis Vuitton (pre-owned found here)
Birthday cake ice cream with a side of sprinkles while binge watching SOA

Saturday, Tice played in the last golf tournament of the summer (thank goodness) so the kids and I ran some errands and visited my mother in law.  During nap time I started getting ready for the gala we were headed to that night.  We went with our friends and had a great time.  I love any reason to get all dressed up!
My girlfriend Megan and I at the event
Tice and I
All of us together!
I borrowed my dress from my sweet friend Leah (here is a similar option by the same designer)
Thanks to Megan my accessory game was on point!
Frog Ring (similar here) | Earrings (similar pair found here)

Sunday we laid low, I made waffles, we watched football, and I was able to go to the grocery store by myself which I don't think I have had the chance to do in months!  It was great!  Then that night we had friends over for dinner.  All in all the perfect weekend!

What I wore to the grocery store
Top | Jeans | Shoes (similar here)

If you are interested in seeing more of my outfit posts, you can follow me on my new outfits only Instagram account called shopticestidbits found here.

Also last week on my Instagram account I mentioned giving you the recipe to the Korean Short Ribs that I cooked last week- if you are interested here is the link to the recipe.

Hope you all have a wonderful start to your week!
Thanks so much for stopping by!