
October 5, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

This past weekend was so much fun!  We headed over to Tice's mom's house for dinner with family on Friday night and had a great time catching up.   
Kinley and Grandma Linda

Then early Saturday morning we packed up the car and headed over to Boulder to go to the CU/Oregon game.  We went with two of our best friends and had the BEST time!  First we went to dinner at Blackbelly which was wonderful!  We headed up to my old roommate from college's family tailgate and had a great time catching up with her and her family.  It was a late game to begin with and then started even later because of a lightening delay so instead of waiting around outside we headed to a Mexican restaurant for some margaritas and Patron shots!  We headed back to the stadium to watch the game right after the first quarter.  At halftime we went back out to the tailgate and spotted John ELWAY...Tice's favorite NFL player of all time walking past us.  Two other boys had spotted him and requested taking a picture with him so I pushed Tice over to him and Tice got one too!

I had such a good time cheering for my buffs that while I was stomping on the stands my heel broke off!

Sunday we took our time getting home, making a couple of stops along the way including a shopping time to Cherry Creek Mall.  I was able to try on some boots that I had had my eye on and can't wait to get them in the mail! We had a wonderful weekend but I'm glad that we won't be traveling again for a while!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
