
October 12, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend.  Friday night we went to dinner with some family that was in town which was nice.  The kids all love getting together so dinner was enjoyable with them all entertaining each other.  
Saturday morning the kids and I joined my parents at a charity 3K.  Sawyer walked the whole thing!  There were lots of fun booths including cotton candy and ballon animals so we all had a good time.

Saturday night we met up with some friends and enjoyed dinner out at one of our favorite restaurants. It's always so nice getting out, dressing up, and laughing your butt off sometimes!  I wore this pleated faux leather skirt (it's on sale!) with a black crop top and my FAVORITE shoes!
The yummy cobb salad I ordered
Churros with white chocolate beet dipping sauce- so so good!

Sunday we hung around the house and then headed over to my girlfriend's in the afternoon.  She threw the cutest pumpkin decorating party!  Sawyer had a blast and was very into the whole decorating process...he took painting that pumpkin VERY seriously :)

Sawyer and I's masterpieces....can you tell who's is who's?!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Thanks so much for stopping by!