
October 19, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

Weekends are for making memories and that's just want I was able to do this weekend!  It started with my cousin Lauren coming into town on Thursday to spend a couple of days with us before she moves to Nashville.  Her and I left the kids with my mom on Friday morning so that we could go for a hike and then grab some refreshments afterwards.
Lauren and I while on a hike Friday

A view from about mid point
Our after hike refreshments- a vodka, pineapple, peach nectar cocktail which was delish!
Some pico de gallo with diced cucumbers- very refreshing 

After the hike we had my parents and grandma over for dinner.  I made smoothered beef burritos with rice, guacamole, and homemade salsa.  It was so good!
My dad with Kinley

Saturday morning we grabbed bagels downtown with my mom before Lauren headed home.  Sawyer loved playing with the train table they had there and kept himself busy for over 45 minutes!
Finally stopped long enough to enjoy a cinnamon crunch bagel with pumpkin cream cheese

Finally it was time to say goodbye to Lauren...those are never easy but I'm looking forward to having a fun place to visit when I get the chance!

That night Tice sent me and three girlfriends to a cancer survivor Fashion Show.  It was an inspiring and fun evening out.  I look forward to going again next year!
Megan and Dani
Lynn and I
My dress is available here and my shoes are available here

Megan and I
Dani and Lynn
Walking over to the event which was held downtown
We had some great seats
A 90 something year old, 3 time cancer survivor being escorted by a young hunk :)
The finale was a bunch of guys with there shirts off and some other men that were also cancer survivors
Finally everyone that was a survivor held up signs telling everyone what cancer they battled before becoming a survivor!

Sunday was a day of laying low and getting my meal planning and grocery shopping finished before the start of a new week.  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Thanks so much for stopping by!