October 26, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

After Tice being gone all of last week for business this weekend was all about catching up on rest and relaxation.  Friday night the kids and I got some take out and chilled at home and then Saturday we waiting not so patiently for daddy to come home!  He finally rolled into town around 4 PM so we all just hung out at home for the evening grilling up some steaks.  Sunday, I ran and we got some things done around the house before I headed out to with some girlfriends to celebrate one of their birthdays!  We had such a good time and didn't get home until about 11:30!  Lots of laughs, good foods, and drinks!  This week I am in full blown prep mood for our Halloween party on Friday night.  I can't wait!  

Enjoying homemade pancakes on Saturday morning

The birthday girl and I

Love these girls!

Here's to another busy week!  Hope you all have a great one and thanks so much for stopping by!
