
November 2, 2015

How I Spent...Halloween Weekend

Halloween weekend has come and gone but we had such a wonderful time that this weekend will be one to remember!  We threw our annual Halloween party on Friday night with tons of fun, food, and  cocktails!  In an effort to do try something new I made my Poison Ivy costume this year (I've never made a costume before) as well as Sawyer's Mater the tow truck costume- taking 10 hours combined to complete but being totally worth it!  Tice went as a Penguin and Kinley was a pink piggie I scored at Ross but can also be found here.

Some worn out parents
A Basketball player and his ball
Fisherman and Business woman
Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf
Poison Ivy and the Lunch Lady


On Saturday we hung out until it was time to get the kids ready to go trick or treating.  After going to my parents and my grandma's we went to my sister in law's for a fun dinner before finally heading home.  Once we got home Sawyer asked if we could go trick or treat at a couple houses so him and I headed out.  We went to 6 houses and never once did he actually say "trick or treat"!  Oh well, he got tons of compliments on his outfit so it can still be counted as a success!

The best I could get of the two of them together!

My mom gave each of them a book and wrote the year and what they were inside each of cute!  

 Finally Sunday we hung out and waited for Tice to finish a round of golf and then I went and had some pictures taken with my girlfriends to promote an apron line that my girlfriend was hired by!  Then I went home and we settled in for the Broncos game!  After the game I finally finished watching Sons of good if you haven't watched the series yet.

Thanks so much for stopping by!  We have very busy week with all of my birthday festivities as well as the CU football game this weekend!

Happy November!