
November 23, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

This weekend was so full of relaxation I am impressed that we actually got anything crossed off of our to do list but we did!  Finally Tice installed some shelves above our toilet that I have, no joke, wanted to have him do for over 2 months.  Those poor stained shelves have been waiting forever for their moment and they finally got it this weekend!  He also reinstalled our toilet paper holder that was so loose that every time you went to pull on the roll of toilet paper, the poor roll would fall on the ground if you weren't careful and there you would be on the toilet chasing teepee when you needed it the most!  He also got a bunch of the leaves blown off of the lawn but he just blew them off the lawn and didn't actually rake them up or anything so only about a quarter of the job was completed...#fail.  Finally my mom and I went shopping for Thanksgiving supplies yesterday and were able to hit up all of the stores we needed to so that was a nice thing to get crossed off of our list!  In between all of these activities we watched some football, ate a bunch, and managed to squeeze in a re-take session of holiday photos!  I can't wait to share with you pictures from both the first and second sessions because I really like how they turned out.

Here are a couple of pictures from our weekend...
Relaxing in the man cave after dinner out on Friday
Finally checking some items off of his honey do list 
Homemade Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Cupcakes- so yummy!

She really wanted to go outside...
So we did and she was suddenly happy!

My plans for this week including getting the house ready for not only hosting Thanksgiving but also an even bigger dinner party on Wednesday night!  I can't wait for friends to start rolling into town and for all of the festivities to really begin!

Thanks so much for stopping by!