
November 30, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

We had a wonderful long weekend celebrating Thanksgiving and then gearing up for Christmas and all of the activities that go with it!  I am so excited that December begins tomorrow!
Our menu for Thanksgiving

Our appetizers set up

My grandma, who hates being in pictures said this was the best I was going to get with her if I wanted a picture with her!

Bowing with gords

After a wonderful Thanksgiving my best friend and her boyfriend came over with their BIG dog!  The kids were in heaven watching the dog run all over the backyard and petting him!

Leonard, our elf finally returned and Sawyer couldn't be more excited!
Very exited to be wearing Christmas pajamas

Our elf Leonard is back!
We slowly are getting all of the decorations up!
And to make it feel even more like winter/the holidays, Mother Nature greeted us with a couple of days of snow on and off this weekend which we LOVED

Hope you all have a wonderful, long holiday weekend!

Thanks so much for stopping by!