
November 20, 2015


This week as been one of those weeks....some days lulled on to the point that I kept asking myself "how is it only 10:30 AM?"  where as other days just flew by so before I knew it blogging took a back seat.  We did have a fun week though, one night this week I went out with some girlfriends for Mexican food and margaritas for a late birthday celebration.   It was beyond fun while it was happening and a nightmare the next day when I had to care for two little ones while dealing with a MASSIVE hangover...hangovers are never fun but toss two littles into the mix and you have a recipe for a horrible day!

We went on lots of walks, bike rides, and shopping trips this week but I am so looking forward to having a weekend home together and get the house ready for Thanksgiving on Thursday which we are hosting!
Pretending to crash...
Building with blocks I used to play with at my parents

After breakfast smiles

Lunch dates at Red Robin always include some blackboard chalk drawing

So many margaritas on the table....

One of the dinner I whipped up this week...Mac and Cheese with Bacon and salads with homemade ranch dressing!

Last night's dinner for Cincinnati style chili!

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I will be back next week with a couple of gift guides for those of you looking to put together lists before Thanksgiving!