
December 23, 2015

Getting Festive...Christmas Gifts for the Littles

This year for the kids we tried to follow the something to read, something to wear, something you want, and something you need gift giving rules.  

For Kinley her big present is this pop up tent.
We also got her this book, these PJ's (Sawyer also got a matching pair!), and I am handing down my American Girl Doll Bitty Baby to her!  I kept going back and forth on whether or not it was to early to give her the doll but finally decided she will be just fine.  I can't wait for her to get her first real baby doll! 

As for Sawyer, his big gift is a train set from Zulilly very similar to this one-

He also is getting this car race track set, some Thomas the Train books, and this crane from Thomas the train to go with his train set.

The final gift that we got them are Christmas Eve gift boxes filled with lots of candy, small toys, a couple of books, and then their pair of matching PJ's so that they can hopefully entertain themselves while we are out to dinner on Christmas Eve.

What did you get your little ones?

Thanks so much for stopping by and Merry Christmas Eve Eve!