
December 7, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

This weekend we filled our calendar with lots and lots of holiday activities.  Friday night we went over to Tice's uncle's house and enjoyed a stay at home happy hour with family.  It was great fun and something we should do more often!  Then on Saturday we went to our town's parade of lights.  Tice is in Rotary and his club rented out the best event space that was right at the beginning of the parade so we stayed nice and warm, ate some yummy treats, and sipped some cocktails before heading over to a near by restaurant with my parents for some dinner.  
Enjoying some homemade biscuits and sausage gravy on Saturday morning
Very excited that the parade was starting

Sawyer took this picture as well as a bunch of the parade and the picture below...not too bad!

Sad we were leaving...

Finally on Sunday went to our club's annual Santa's Brunch.  We invited my parents to come along and all had a wonderful time.  Kinley wasn't afraid of Santa until the moment Tice went to put her on his lab and then she lost it...good times!

Excited to see Santa but also a little shy
Sad we weren't eating yet...just like her mother!
Waiting in line to sit on Santa's lap

So happy!
Scared to death...obvi!

"Why am I still sitting here?  Daddy grab me!"
Opening her gift...a little purse with accessories
Very excited for his gift- a remote control Thomas the Train

All in all a wonderful weekend!  Let the celebrations continue!

Thanks so much for stopping by!