
December 18, 2015


Thank goodness it's Friday because that means that the 48 hour bug that I had earlier in the week is behind me!  Getting sick is no fun but it especially sucks when you have two little ones that don't understand so Tice was a rockstar and really came to my rescue this week nursing me back to health (I told him I was going to need to remember this one so that I am more caring the next time he is sick!)

Yesterday, Sawyer had his preschool Christmas concert at school and he did so well!  He really got into singing each of the 4 songs they performed and was extremely excited at the end when they broke open a piñata filled with candy and small toys.

Thankfully I am feeling much better and look forward to getting into the holiday spirit this weekend during our annual Christmas party with all of my girlfriends.  We decided to get dressed up this year so I am going to be wearing a long red dress that I have had for a while, similar to this one, and I can't wait!  We also have a birthday party tonight to attend at one of Sawyer's favorite places so this weekend is going to be a good one!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!