
February 15, 2016

How I Spent...the last couple weeks!

Sorry for the silence got in the way!  We have been super busy with a number of different things and we aren't slowing down anytime soon!  

So since it's been so long since my last update here is a recap...

We had a big snow storm a couple of weeks ago and Kinley enjoyed playing in the snow SO much!

She has also been getting into mommy's closet a bunch lately and trying her best to walk around the house in all my shoes which she calls "shoe, shoes" 
We also were able to celebrate a big Broncos Superbowl victory!
I got a little creative thanks to Pinterest when I whipped up these Valentine's Day treats for Sawyer's classmates and teachers.

I also put together small gift boxes for my girlfriends last week before we headed out for a fun girls night in celebration of Fat Tuesday was a blast per usual!!
My delicious Hurricane
What were called Beignets but weren't...haha

I also FINALLY finished painting ALL of the trim and doors on our home's lower say it was a pain in the ass is a mega understatement....but it was so worth it!!!
I took the kids to Barnes and Noble this week and while I was there this book caught my eye.  I think it will be next on my list after I FINALLY finish this book!
Someone was NOT happy after I took her M&M's away one day last week at Target.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  I will be back tomorrow with a recap of our Valentine's Day weekend!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!