
February 23, 2016

Leaving on a Laguna Beach

Tice and I are escaping the freezing cold weather here in Colorado and heading to California (Laguna Beach to be exact) for his work this week.  Neither of us have ever been to this part of California and can't wait to soak up some much needed vitamin D!  Recently I had mentioned to my girlfriend that I was having a hard time deciding what to pack.  She immediately told me she had some dresses she thought would be perfect that I should borrow!  She seriously has one of those closets that you wish you had so her coming to my rescue was a dream come true!  Here is a look at what I have packed-

Bailey 44 Floral Print Dress

Tracy Reese Dress (super similar here)

Kate Spade Dress (black version available here)

Tracy Reese Dress (similar here)

A view of the back- I'm so in love with it!

Finally I also ordered a couple of things that I thought would be perfect for not only this trip but for spring weather in general!
I have had my eye on these since last summer and finally scored them on major sale last week!  They were only available in my size so it was meant to be!  I couldn't check out fast enough!  Sadly they are sold out in nude but you can score them in black here and here!

I have also been on the hunt for distressed denim skinny jeans in a lighter wash for spring but didn't want to pull the trigger on this pair.  After looking around a ton I finally decided to give two pairs from Nordstrom a try.  The ones pictured were the first to arrive and I can't wait to see which pair I like best!  These are the other ones I am trying.

Hope you all have a wonderful time and follow me on Instagram @baktice to see pictures of us in Laguna before I share a full review next week!

Thanks so much for stopping by!