
May 17, 2016

Recent Happenings

Life has full of fun and laughs lately!  I have been cooking, shopping, and golfing (a new favorite activity- Tice couldn't be more proud!) and getting ready to go on a quick girls getaway in-between all of my fun!   Hope you all have a great rest of your week!

 Here are some recent photos from my recent adventures
A group of girls at the Kentucky Derby party we went to recently
Tice and I with our friends Vicky and Kevin
Enjoying a sunny lunch downtown
After a photoshoot for a local magazine last week my girlfriends and I went out for a quick bite and the restaurant had this sign at the entrance!
Enjoying a Jalapeno Watermelon Margarita 
Enjoying some Saturday morning cartoons
We had some family stay with us over the weekend and they brought their sweet dog, Doug with them.  Kinley loved him

Our club's pool opened over the weekend which means tons of fun, popcorn, and long naps!
Blowing me kisses
We fired the pizza oven up on Saturday and enjoyed some yummy pizzas
Yesterday Kinley got her first trim...the back was looking like a rat's nest so hopefully the trim will help!

Sawyer also got a cut 

Finally last night I went to our monthly girl's night dinner at my friend Lynn's house!  She made lobster which was fab!
Such a fun night- love these girlfriends of mine!

Thanks so much for stopping by!