
August 10, 2016

Recent Happenings...Kinley's First Dentist Visit

Kinley went to her very first dentist appointment last Friday and did such a wonderful job!  Sawyer also had his appointment that day and ended up going first.  The dental hygienist started telling me we were going to do this thing called "knee to knee" which meant I was going to hold Kinley while sitting in a chair and then the dentist would sit in a chair facing me and our knees would touch.  We would then lay Kinley down on our knees and he would clean and check her teeth.  However, Kinley had other ideas and climbed right up into the chair after watching Sawyer and handled the appointment like a champ!  Our dentist said he was impressed and never sees the kids her age do that so we were very pleased!

Here's hoping every appointment turns out this well!

Thanks so much for stopping by!