
August 19, 2016

TGIF & Recent Happenings

Friday, it's so nice to see you again!  This week, like so many do, flew by but I'm so glad it's the weekend!  Last weekend, Tice was in a golf tournament after which we got to attend the banquet honoring the winners.  I love any reason to get dressed up and have a kid free night out so I was all over going.  Tice played with my girlfriend's husband so it was nice to have them there to hang out with.
A beautiful sunset over the course
My friend Clare and I
My dress (sold out, top version available here)

Monday was Sawyer's first day of Pre-K.  He will be going three days a week instead of the two days he was going last year and we both couldn't be more excited!  One of his best friends is in his class this year and the two of them are so happy to be together!  

This week, Sawyer was also able to celebrate his birthday at school and requested green cupcakes.  I whipped these up for Wednesday and they were a big hit!

Hope you all had a wonderful week!  We have awesome plans this weekend and I can't wait!  Check in with me on Instagram to see what we are up to!

Thanks so much for stopping by!