
October 10, 2016

How I Spent...My Weekend

The past two weekends have been a whirlwind!  Tice and I headed over to Boulder two weekends ago to watch CU play Oregon State University with a big group of friends and had the best time!  We got to see a lot of people we don't get to see that often so it was so nice to spend a lot of time together.  Plus CU winning- no crushing OSU was the icing on the cake!  Go Buffs!

We all sat in a special area that had lots of group seating and you could look down to watch the game.

On Sunday on our way back from Denver we picked up my cousin who flew into Colorado from Nashville and took her home with us for a couple of days.  It was so nice to see her and catch up.  It had been about a year since the last time we had seen each other which was WAY to long!  On Wednesday my mom and I loaded up and headed back to Denver to take my cousin back so she didn't have to take the train.  It was a fun girls trip and I got to go to quite a few places I had never been before as well as go shopping without crazy kiddos running all over the place or a husband giving me a time limit... pure bliss!
A fun bar inside of Union Station

Happy Hour at my new favorite place in Boulder

Finally after my mom and I got back into town on Friday, I took it easy at home with Tice and kids, got some things finished up around the house and then we hosted our friends for a little dinner party on Saturday night.  It was fun to catch up with them and relax at home all at the same time.
The two bottles we opened during the dinner...breaking out the big guns! 

Thanks so much for stopping by!