
November 11, 2016

How I Spent...My Birthday Weekend

My birthday was last Thursday and to say I had the BEST time celebrating would be a major understatement!  My family and friends made my whole birthday such a fun event and I am so thankful for them all!  On my actual birthday, my parents took Tice and I out to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants but before dinner Tice and I snuck out for a quick drink alone so I could have my favorite cheese fries!  I wore this new dress that night which was so fun!  I love me some sequins!  

Then on Friday night we went out to dinner at another restaurant with our friends and had the best time.  I wore this dress which just may be my new favorite!  It fits like a glove!

Dress available here | Shoes available here

Finally on Saturday night my girlfriend and Tice put together the most amazing party.  Tice cooked a couple of dishes and then each of my girlfriends brought a dish and we had the most fun sit down dinner party.  We all got dressed up and just enjoyed hanging out with each other.  I couldn't have asked for a better party to cap off the celebrations!

Thanks so much for stopping by!