
November 30, 2016

How I Spent...Thanksgiving Weekend

This was a Thanksgiving I hope we never have to recreate...EVER!  It all started when the night before Thanksgiving, Sawyer woke up sick.  Within the next hour both Tice and I were sick as well with a terrible stomach bug that completely knocked us all out for days!  It was horrible- I haven't been that sick in a long time and hope I won't be again EVER.  We were suppose to host Thanksgiving dinner but due to our condition we had to postpone until Saturday when my boys were finally feeling better and I was on the mend.  I didn't start feeling much better until Monday and I'm kicking myself for not having gotten my flu shot yet this year.  Thankfully the makeup Thanksgiving was a success and we were still able to celebrate this year but boy oh boy I hope we never experience another holiday like that one again!

My mom and I (my dress available here)

My dad or Pok as the kids call him coloring at the kids table

My mom, me, my mother in law and sister in law

Tice made the candle holders from a dead tree in our backyard...they turned out great!

Pies for days!

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!