
November 7, 2016

Recent Happenings...Halloween & Trick or Treating

The kids really got into the Halloween spirit this year which ended up making the holiday better then ever!  Sawyer finally decided to be a fireman after a bunch of back and forth.  He originally wanted me to make him another  costume out of cardboard like his costume last year but once I refused he decided on a fireman.  I selected the grapes costume for Kinley and she LOVED it!  Anytime anyone would ask her leading up to Halloween what she was going to be she would say "GRAPES!!!"  It was the cutest!

The kids with there best friend Mason, who was a bat

Heading out to trick or treat with my mom, dressed as a bowl of cereal

And yes, it was warm enough in Colorado at Halloween for Tice to wear shorts and a short sleeve shirt.  First time I ever remember it being this warm.

Thanks so much for stopping by!