
November 9, 2016

Recent Happenings...The Rim Rock Marathon

As some of you may know Tice proposed to me after he ran his first marathon.  He never really trained for it, he just put his mind to it and did it.  However he had always wanted to run another marathon after the first and finally decided this summer that he would run the marathon that races to the top of the Colorado National Monument and then back down it into the town of Fruita.   Well race day finally rolled around on Saturday, November 5th and I'm proud to say he completed his second marathon!
Tice and his good friend Kevin, who was cheering him on from the sidelines!

Eating a little snack while waiting for Daddy to cross the finish line!
Sawyer and the sign he made at school to cheer on Daddy!

Tice and Sawyer running the last stretch of the marathon together
Crossing the finish line together!

Everyone was so happy he was finished and the race organizers were so sweet to give all three of them medals!

Thanks so much for stopping by!