
January 30, 2017

How I Spent...My Weekend

After Tice was gone most of last week for a business trip, we had a wonderful low-key weekend hanging out with friends and eating lots of yummy food.  One of those yummy dishes was a wedge salad with strawberries, ranch dressing, and balsamic drizzle.  So many flavors going on- each one delicious.
One of the nights last week while Tice was out of town I headed over to my parents house with the kids to have dinner.  While we were there my brother called and the kids got to talk to him.  This was Kinley's first time talking on a landline phone and kept trying to hold it out like we do with iPhones but we kept having to put it up to her ear.  
Saturday night we headed over to our friend's house and who had a big dinner party.  Wine was our contribution- per usual!
They have the cutest new baby- everyone wanted some snuggles.
Our boys are best friends and it is so fun to see them play together and use their big imaginations.

This week is going to fly by with tons of prep for two big parties we are having this weekend, a Valentine's Day brunch for my girlfriends on Saturday morning and a Super Bowl party on Sunday afternoon.  On top of all that we have some fun meals out plans- this week is going to be good!

Happy Monday!
Thanks so much for stopping by!