
April 18, 2017

Getting Festive...Easter 2017

 We had a wonderful Easter filled with fun family time, sweet treats, and beautiful weather.  We started our day off with the kids opening their baskets, which in the picture below look a bit beat up but that was because it was the best I could get after they tore into them. 

After baskets we got ready, went to visit my Grandma and then headed to brunch.  The kids got to meet the bunny and no one was more excited then Sawyer, who after last year and not wanting to be in the same room as the bunny had come a long way!  Kinley on the other hand wanted nothing to do with him.

Kinley holding on to my mom's finger for dear life

After brunch we headed over to our friend's house for a big egg hunt for the kids.  She also had the cutest mimosa bar and cupcakes.

"And their off!"
The kids wanted nothing to do with a family picture so this guy and I got one, just the two of us instead
My cute, matching parents

My girlfriends and I enjoying the beautiful weather

Enjoying some confetti eggs
My dad and Sawyer putting together the gift the bunny brought Sawyer, a Lego firetruck
Sawyer and I- he had the cutest outfit on and actually loved wearing it!  The bowtie and suspenders stayed on all day!

Hope you had a wonderful Easter with family and friends!

Thanks so much for stopping by!