
May 15, 2017

How I Spent...Mother's Day Weekend 2017

I had a wonderful, relaxing, fun filled Mother's Day weekend which all kicked off with a night away in Beaver Creek with a big group of girlfriends.  We arrived around 3 PM and headed straight to the happy hour at our hotel followed by getting cleaned up and heading to dinner.
We grabbed lunch before hitting the road

What I Wore:
Top: Style Mafia (under $60 and just like this version for over $350) | Jeans: AG |
Shoes: Christian Louboutin | Bag: Forever 21 (old, similar here or here)

Before a bunch of us headed down to the hot tubs

Saturday morning we headed to brunch and then the spa.  I got a massage and facial and was in relaxation heaven!  
Brunch for me always includes these three beverages!

After getting home late on Saturday night I just relaxed with Tice and the kids before heading to bed early.  On Sunday, Tice let me sleep in a bit before I got up and ready to head to the club.  The four of us enjoyed brunch before heading out and playing 9 holes with the kids.  
These were seriously the best pictures we got...hopefully next year they are better 
My dress available here & here | My shoes available here

 Hope you all got extremely spoiled this past weekend and have a great week!

Thanks so much for stopping by!