
May 27, 2017

Recent Happenings...GJ Off Road Bike Race

This past weekend was the GJ Off Road, a mountain bike race that starts and finishes in our downtown.  On Saturday was the novice division and then on Sunday was the kids and pro races.  Sawyer had just started riding his peddle two wheel bike a week before the race but his best friend Mason was riding in the race so he wanted to as well.  He had such a good time, it was a blast to watch and I know he can't wait to ride in the race again next year!

Look at this fierce competitor 
My dad and Kinley cheering him on
Coming to the finish line
He just kept riding far past the finish line until we finally caught up to him to give him is medal and cow bell for cheering on everyone else.

I was one proud momma!
My sunglasses available here

His best friend Mason finishing

Already looking forward to it again next year!

Thanks so much for stopping by!