
July 2, 2017

Happy Fifth Birthday, Sawyer Dylan!!!

Sawyer, Sawyer, Sawyer!
Today you are 5 and I know that I will say this every year but the time really flies and I really wish I could slow down time somedays.  I love your thoughtfulness, your spunk, your kind heart,  and your passion & desire to learn more about the world around you.

In the last year you have tried new things like skiing and learned to ride a two wheel bike, and expanded your love affair with wooden trains and legos. 

You are always able to make me laugh and have a wonderful sense of humor.   One of my favorite phrases from you this past year included how you called S'mores Snores.  

Your blue eyes are something to behold- people stop us constantly when we are out and about to comment on them.

You love to help dad and I out with tasks even though money can be one of your main motivators!

Although most days I can't believe you are about to start Kindergarten (again where has the time gone?!) I know you are going to excel and I can't wait for you to learn and grow!

Love you as much as the universe is big Sawyer! 

Kisses & Hugs,