
August 14, 2017

Recent Happenings...Sawyer's 5th Birthday Party

This year for Sawyer's birthday he decided that his train obsession should take center stage and be the theme of the party.  It was extremely fun getting to come up with all of the food items and elements of the decor.  

I grabbed a bunch of items from Hobby Lobby to use at decor.  Each item really tied the whole theme together and elevated the decor of the party.
The happiest little 5 year old! 
My homemade sugar cookies- wouldn't be a party with out them!
Since both of the kids were born we always have a birthday book, which fits the theme, that guests can sign.  Its a fun way to remember the party as well as look back and those that attended!

A delicious train themed cake I baked- Sawyer LOVED it

A train of veggies

Playing on the waterslide my girlfriend let me borrow for the party

Kinley had fun too as you can see
The ladies that helped us celebrate
Lighting up the candles
Make a wish!
Tice and I 
(All photos courtesy of the amazing Birch and Twine Photography!)

Thanks so much for stopping by!