
October 10, 2017

Recent Happenings...First Days of School

Although this event didn't happen even somewhat recently I decided to go ahead and create this post because it deserves to be recognized.  The kids were adorable and it was a very exciting milestone for each of them.  Sawyer started kindergarten this year and still loves going everyday.  It's only 1/2 day and in the mornings but it has been so great for him and has already learned lots!

The day after Sawyer started kindergarten, Kinley started preschool and goes two days a week.  One of her best friends is also in her class so between having been there last year dropping Sawyer off and her friend, the transition has been so smooth- no tears!  She is constantly asking if she gets to go to school each day so I think we can say that she too is loving it!

Kinley and her friend Olivia

Thanks so much for stopping by!