
October 29, 2017

Recent Happenings...The High Lonesome Ranch Tasting Dinner

Last Thursday Tice and I headed up to Debeque for a once in a lifetime dinner.  I promise I am not over stating that last sentence- as you will soon see below...
We went up to the High Lonesome Ranch and stayed with 5 other couples.  Our friend Theron had called the ranch to try and make reservations for him and his wife's anniversary this summer but the ranch was completely sold out and told him to try again next summer.  He quickly asked if there would be anyway he could put together a group of friends for a private dinner that would be structured in the same exact way.  The ranch and chef agreed, told us the one date that would work for them and he said we would be there!  We all checked in in the early afternoon, took in the beautiful views and then got ready for dinner.
A shot of all of us just before heading into dinner
The setting sun just before heading into dinner
First Course
Oyster with Watermelon Ice

Second Course

Third Course
Spot Prawn
(My absolute favorite-everything was amazing but this is something I will dream about!)

Fourth Course
King Crab with Mango Puree

Fifth Course
Razor Clam

Sixth Course
Deconstructed Carrot Cake

Seventh Course
Smoked Squid

Eighth Course
Ham & Melon

Ninth Course
Butternut Squash Ravioli 

Tenth Course
Lobster & Caviar in Butter Pudding

Eleventh Course

Twelfth Course
Brook Trout

Thirteenth Course

Fourteenth Course
Foir Gras 

Fifteenth Course
White Truffle Risotto

Sixteenth Course

Seventeenth Course
Waygu Beef

Our friends, Mark and Lisa, Tice and I
The head chef and sous chef making ice cream to go with one of our dessert courses

Eighteenth Course
Pecan Ice Cream

Nineteenth Course
Sour Apple Doughnut

Twentieth Course
Frozen Blueberries & Milk Chocolate Cocktail

Twenty First Course
Dark Chocolate Pudding

Twenty Second Course, the finale...

 Dozens of balloons were brought into the room, all with different treats hanging off of the bottoms while the song "The Winner Is" by DeVotchKa played.  It was truly a magical, memorable experience/ending to the most incredible meal of my life.  

My girlfriend Clare touching my food baby!
The next morning we were served brunch, even though most of us didn't have room we found it so that we could fit in this delicious plate of Eggs Benedict and a bowl of Aunt Linda's Granola.   
As a final send off we received this basket full of fall gourds and some caramel apples!

The entire experience from arrival to send off was one that I can't even really put into words...they paid attention to absolutely every detail, provided a level of hospitality which will be hard to match in my mind, and did it all from a small ranch in the middle of no where.  Our group of friends is already planning our next trip back- we all agreed that we would love to do it bi-yearly so hopefully we will be there again in the spring if not sooner!

Thanks so much for stopping by!