
January 2, 2018

Getting Festive...Christmas Decor 2017

Our Christmas decor doesn't change much from year to year but I did go ahead and pick up a couple of items to add to everything else this year at Hobby Lobby to help create a bit of a fresh look.  Tice also went up to our property and cut down a tree that was awesome!  Seriously the best live tree we have ever had.  It was super tall, over 14 feet and really filled our great room in the best possible way.  I placed over 400 ornaments on it and love the way it turned out.

Christmas Eve morning when I finally carry all of the wrapped presents down from our bonus room upstairs.

Some more decor for next year that we unwrapped!  The funniest little frame Kinley made at school!

Hope you all had a magical Christmas!  Looking forward to the fresh start of a new year!

Thanks so much for stopping by!